Landscape TRIAGE! Rescuing Old Landscapes

decompaction landscape landscape design property management sheet mulch spray to drip triage turf conversion Sep 29, 2022

The Landscape Triage Course is on its way!  Let me know if you'd like to enroll.

A lot of what I'm presenting in more detail in the course can be seen here in this recording of a short webinar I gave as part of the EarthDay Celebration Webinar Series produced by ReScape.  I hope you like it!


If you haven't taken the Super Simple Sheet Mulching Course... or the SOILS Course... where have ya been?

The main message here is:

Many California Landscapes were not designed for California.

The result has been wasted water, monocultures, and a reliance on power equipment, pesticides, and fossil-fuel based fertilizers.   Plants have lost their natural form and have been relegated to being hedged into boxes or balls -and it's so prevalent that many folks think this is how landscaping should look.  


What do we do with these older landscapes with too much turf, too many hedged plants, and older irrigation systems?
Landscape Triage is a new paradigm that lays out a systematic process to tackle this massive problem with little time, little resources, and maybe even some reluctance from folks who don't realize there's even a problem.
I hope you like this approach, take the course to get more information and resources, and ultimately, start taking steps towards triaging landscapes!
We can do this! ๐Ÿ’š

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